I can't believe 2007 is over. We have had a year full of many ups and downs, each event meaningful and leaving us grateful for life and the lessons that we learn along the way.
We have had two life changing experiences during the 2007 year; first, the birth of our third beautiful daughter Cassie Lyn Edwards. Cassie has been a blessing in our lives and a challenge, we now know what "Colic" means. I have never known of a baby who does not like to ride in the car and fall asleep, (like our first two children). There have been many drives from Provo to Lehi where there was not a moment of silence or a song that was heard. I am completely grateful to our Father in heaven who reminded me how precious my daughter is to me on one of those 20 minute drives. I will never forget how powerful the spirit is, and can be during moments of frustration. Things are getting better and I truly do love my little Cassie.
The second life changing experience that our family has had was when Kurt's dad was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in September. I will never forget Kurt's voice when he called me from the hospital to tell me that Kelly had cancer. It was a moment when cancer became very real and personal to me. I had worked at the cancer clinic in Provo for three years and the reality of cancer had never hit me so hard. Unfortunately his cancer had spread to his brain and lungs and we were told that he had anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. Right now Kelly is going thru chemo and recently finished radiation. He is continually in our prayers.
Now for the rest of the year, here is a list of highlights that have not been forgotten,(in no particular order):
- Having my water break while I was working at the Lehi Round-Up Craft Fair
- Going to the Parade of Homes in St.George
- Trevor & Heather's Wedding ~ Heather we love having you a part of our family.
- BYU beating Utah again
- Sadie & Jessica's Dance recital
- Watching Sanjaya(?) during American Idol
- Cassie sleeping thru the night
- Cassie taking a bottle
- BYU winning @ the Las Vegas Bowl
- Finishing a baby quilt that I started before Sadie was born.
- Planting trees and bushes in our yard
- Sadie's first year of Soccer ~ Kurt was a proud daddy when Sadie stayed in the game after being clocked by another kid.
- Spending time at the cabin in Star Valley
- Kurt taking the girls on their own Daddy Daughter Dates
- Finishing Sadie & Jessica's bedroom ~ now onto Cassie's room
- Finally putting some kind of decoration on our family room wall
- Cassie's baby blessing ~ thanks to all who traveled to Provo for this event
- Donna & Kelly moving into their beautiful new home
- Heber Creeper Murder Mystery Ride ~ finally a date with my husband
- Another successful year for Kurt's business
- My parents getting their second mission call to Bulgaria ~ leaving January 28th
- Welcoming Cameron Edwards, Paxton Andersen and Treyton Edwards into our family
- Sadie cutting her own bangs ~ surprisingly did a good job.
- Tyler's short move to Utah ~ we wish it could have been permanent.
- Kari and her kids visiting from Alaska.
- Kurt deciding that his favorite meal at Chili's is the Caribbean Chicken Salad ~ I had been trying to tell him how good it was for about 4 years.
- Kurt, BJ and Trevor winning a golf tournament in Eagle Mountain
- Spencer getting engaged
As we look back we have been blessed with a wonderful life, and we hope to make 2008 another year to remember.