Friday, March 27, 2009
4 Weeks Old
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Throwback Thursday #3

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Little Jakoby
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Throwback Thursday

Kindergarten School Picture Fall 2008
Last Night
Sadie: Mom, when is your stomach going to get small again?
Me: I don't know Sadie, I don't know, but um thanks for asking.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
- I have to keep reminding myself that I can't refer to Easton as a SHE or HER
- I have to wake up before anyone else if I want to get a shower in
- Getting four kids into the car and safely buckled up is a chore that deserves a reward
- There is definitely a ton more laundry to do and keep up with
- I need a craft night ~ anybody else?
- The goal of getting Cassie potty trained is needing to become a reality ~ two kids in diapers
- I should probably start looking into coupons to save some more money
- I'm pretty much caught up on all of our TV shows since I'm up late every night
- Shopping for groceries has not happened yet
- Clean house ~ What's that?
- I rely on Kurt way more than I have in the past
- Wanting to eat a ton of chocolate but I know that it makes Easton fussy.
- I give away 100+ kisses and hugs every day
I hope this list doesn't come across as complaints, I truly am happy to have four kids. It has been such an easy transition from three to four. I was so worried about Cassie and she has been an angel. Her biggest concern with Easton or as she calls him "EC" is that he has to have his binky with him at all times, if he doesn't then she has to find it and give it to him. Other than the binky she really could care less about her younger brother. The other big sisters Sadie and Jessica love him tons, and fight over holding him all of the time (just one more thing for them to fight over). As for Kurt, he could be the happiest dad in the world. It was pretty sad when he got a really bad cold last week and couldn't hold or be around his newborn for four days. I am so happy that he is now feeling better!!! We're just extrememly happy and grateful that Easton is a GREAT baby.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Throwback Thursday
This picture was taken on our honeymoon in Leavenworth, WA hiking around Icicle Creek. We were both so sick with colds and at this point we had to get out of the condo and breath in some fresh air. We love this place and can't wait to go back there someday with our family. Looking back it was a lot of fun when it was just Kurt and myself, but since the day we invited children into our home I could never go back to living without our little ones.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Baby Sling
Just for fun: Having a little boy in the house we knew it was going to come up sooner than later. While changing Easton's diaper, Sadie shared with us her observation..."Wow, his bum bum is way different then ours."
I love little baby yawns.
This picture is showing off Daddy's favorite little outfit.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Finally some pics of little Easton
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Little Easton Edwards
He was originally supposed to come on Monday but after he failed his non stress test Friday morning we were told that we would be welcoming him into the world a few days earlier, which was more than ok by me. Easton is super cute and a very good baby so far. We feel so blessed to have him in our lives. We'll post pictures of our little man as soon as we get home and can download some pics.