4 years ago
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
2 Months Old
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Move over Easton
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Throwback Thursday

This Throwback Thursday's picture is from 1998 when I was a Senior at BYU living at King Henry. I had the best roommates anyone could ask for and we had so much fun together. In this picture we were practicing our contemporary dance we made up for our ward's talent show. I think we put on the nylons and practiced every night for about two weeks before we performed. I can't help but think of this dance every time I hear about a talent show. The song we danced to was Magalenha by Sergio Mendes, and for fun Getting Jiggy with It, by Will Smith.
From left to right:D'Lonna, Britt, Tessa & Amy T.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Nursery Super Star
Here's Cassie with her own rendition of some songs she is learning in nursery.

You should hear her pray, it's just as cute.
I had to throw in a picture of our handsome little man. (Taken at 6 weeks)
Friday, April 17, 2009
What's for Dinner?
I haven't done this since I've had Easton, but I actually found time yesterday to cook a decent meal. Ream's (on Center Street in Provo) has a sale on their country styled boneless pork ribs for $1.19/lb going on this week. I picked up a few pounds brought it home and searched for a great recipe I had stumbled across on one of many blogs that I follow. If you go to Taste the Joy look up the pulled pork sandwich recipe. The pork turned out excellent and I'm pretty sure I'll be making this a lot in the near future. The only thing I did different was I added a 1/4 cup of water to the meat and deleted the onions since they are not allowed in our house.
It was after I started the meat in the crock pot that I realized I had no buns to use. This was a huge problem because I refused to get all four kids ready and then take them shopping. So what did I do, I found another recipe on another blog for homemade hamburger buns. I have never attempted anything like this before because of the convenience of just going to the store and picking out the kind of bun you prefer. So go to The Frugal Girl and follow her directions. They turned out great, besides the fact that I added too much flour.
Anyways, I just thought I would pat myself on the shoulder for actually fixing a real meal and spending more than 20 minutes preparing pre - made dinners. Yay, me!!!
It was after I started the meat in the crock pot that I realized I had no buns to use. This was a huge problem because I refused to get all four kids ready and then take them shopping. So what did I do, I found another recipe on another blog for homemade hamburger buns. I have never attempted anything like this before because of the convenience of just going to the store and picking out the kind of bun you prefer. So go to The Frugal Girl and follow her directions. They turned out great, besides the fact that I added too much flour.
Anyways, I just thought I would pat myself on the shoulder for actually fixing a real meal and spending more than 20 minutes preparing pre - made dinners. Yay, me!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Throwback Thursday
Throwback Thursday takes us back to our first business adventure that we were involved in right after we got married...the pheasant farm. Yep, we were farmers for a year. In the picture above, we were building the outside cage for the mature pheasants to run around in, it was roughly the size of a football field. Below are pictures of the little creatures right after we bought them.
Although it (the business) didn't really turn out the way we had hoped it to, we had a lot of fun working and spending time together.
Here's Kurt with the heating lamps.
If you look closely you can see the outside pin in the background behind the horses.
This is me holding a pheasant for the first time.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
After four Easter Egg hunts in two different states I managed to take only one picture of my family... I'm a terrible mom.
Malad, Idaho may not have a stop light or a Walmart, but they do however have a great Easter egg hunt. Since we've had kids we've been able to go to Malad for almost every Easter and I have to say, that little town "where Idaho begins" has the best egg hunt. This year both Sadie and Jessica found the Golden Eggs in their age division and received a dollar for their prize. We almost walked away that day with a third Golden Egg, but the unbelievable happened. Kurt and his cousin Danny were helping Cassie go around the park picking up eggs. Danny found the Golden Egg and put his foot right next to it as Kurt helped her find her way over to the coveted egg. And that's when it happened, a grown women snaked the golden egg out from under Cassie's hand. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! Seriously, I can't believe that happened, I mean COME ON, did you really just do that? It made me look like an angel after I pointed the golden egg hiding next to a tree directly in front of us to Jessica and then lectured her a bazillion times on how she should run straight to the egg and pick it up as fast as she could. She did however sell me out when we went to give the newspaper her name for finding the egg. She told the lady..."My mom showed me where the egg was", thanks Jessica I felt just as bad as I hope the Lady who stole my youngest daughters egg felt.
Then there is Sadie's story. Sadie was a champ she ran as fast as she could around her section and picked up a ton of eggs; sadly, she came up short of a Golden Egg. Just as we were walking back to the car we heard that there was a Golden Egg yet to be found from Sadie's age group. Sadie ran back as fast as she could and started searching her territory again. As she was searching the grounds a little boy started to follow her everywhere she went, literally everywhere. It was the funniest thing to watch, he became her little shadow and it was very apparent that Sadie was getting a little bugged. After listening to someone say to look in a specific area, Sadie found the egg, and as soon as she did the little boy who had followed Sadie threw his bucket to the ground and then kicked it as hard as he could. We all laughed at this little boys frustration over his loss to Sadie. Way to go Sadie. We're not competitive at all.
Later on that day the adults got to participate in their own Easter Egg Hunt held at Grandma Peden's home. Kurt and I did pretty well and left with enough money to buy some gas to return to Provo.
On Sunday we had our own Easter hunt at home. Sadie found a basketball in her basket, Jessica got a bat and ball, Cassie was excited with a car seat for her baby, and Easton got some new church clothes to wear. Then we failed miserably at our first attempt to get to church on time with all four kids. I promise to do better next Sunday. After church, we went to Kurt's Aunt Linda's for her big Easter Egg Hunt. Linda goes all out with the hunt and then a wonderful dinner. Thank you Linda for having us over, we had a blast and we'll be eating chocolate for quite some time.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Throwback Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Even though this is a day late I had to post some pictures of our house being built back in 2004. We are so grateful to have a beautiful home to live in, in an awesome neighborhood, with amazing neighbors.
I love this picture of Kurt and Sadie. I was pregnant with Jessica at this time. She was born a week and a half after we moved into this house.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I haven't been able to decide which is more destructive
A tornado...

A sweet little 21 month old named Cassie
Both can make a mess, but only one can make you laugh.
As much as we hate to clean up after our little tornado, we still love our little girl.
Cassie's word of the week is BOING. Everything goes boing when it is dropped, spilled or thrown. Almost everything in the house has been tested.
Monday, April 6, 2009
As Promised...
As promised ... Easton slept through the night last night and I LOVED it!!! I put him down at 10 pm and he woke up at 5:15 am, 7 hours. I couldn't believe it and I know to not get my hopes up too high, but if he could just continue to do this atleast three times a week, Kurt and I would be in heaven. Good job little guy, keep up the good sleeping.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Throwback Thursday #4
Ok ... I'm going way back to February of this year.

I have to thank by dear friend Britt for taking this awesome picture of a basketball shoved under my shirt, at least that's what it looks like anyways. No seriously she is an awesome friend and takes awesome pictures. Check out her blog at brittpoppingaphotography to see some more pics of my not so missed stomach and my darling girls.
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