Last weekend was a whirlwind of events for our family and my pregnant body. Saturday morning we woke up early (on purpose this time, I would much rather sleep in but that wasn't the case), got showered and dressed in our Sunday best and drove out to Kurt's parents house. Kurt had a business meeting and as soon as he was done we hopped in the van again and went to Kurt's Cousin's son's baptism. It was so awesome to be there and to witness these two eight year olds come out of the water pure and clean. I started to think about our own children getting baptised and could hardly believe it when I realized just 1 1/2 more years until Sadie will be dressed in white and being baptised by Kurt.
After the baptism we went over to Michelle's parents house for a luncheon and visited with family members while watching Cassie devour my entire plate of food, no joke. I have never seen a little baby eat as much food as our little chubby Cassie. It is a sight to see. You know it's bad when you have to pull strawberry leafs out of your child's mouth.

Then from the Luncheon, we hurried our cranky, sleeping, noisy family up to Salt Lake to My Grandmother's 99
th birthday party, that's right her
99th birthday party. Happy birthday Grandma, we LOVE you!!! We met up with my brother, his wife and two kids and shoved more food into our already full tummies. It was good to visit with the Andersen side of my family and of course watch my Grandma blow out the candles on her cake.
From the birthday party we were off to our next special event for the day. We were blessed to walk through the new Draper Temple. This happened after waiting an 1 1/2 - 2 hours at a near by church house and bus ride up to the temple. After we got off the bus we were directed to a tent enclosed walkway that took us straight into the temple. It was extremely crowded and took us 1 1/2 hours to walk through the whole temple. Luckily, my pregnancy gave me an advantage and I was able to use the elevators to move our family up a few spots in line. I was expecting beautiful and perfection, but was taken back by many of the rooms. I think the baptismal font took me by surprise the most, but was in awe with every room.
I was very excited to take our girls to the temple and to hear and see their reactions. Sadie, Jessica, and Cassie thought the font was the coolest bathtub they had ever seen and all wanted to get their toes wet, sorry girls. Cassie was pretty much hating the whole tour due to the fact that we held her close and tight, after we let her down at one point and then had to chase after her as she pushed her way through the crowds. Jessica asked me as we were walking through one of the rooms if we were in Heaven. Then in the Celestial room she asked: "Mommy, are we in
Jesus's most specialist rooms?"
I love what little kids say. I will not lie, the whole experience was 3 1/2 hours long from start to finish and it was the first time during this pregnancy that my feet actually swelled up, but having my kids have that experience of being inside a temple was definitely worth it.