My heart has been softened and I wish I could take back everything I ever said about handmade ornaments. Early this year I told Kurt how much I love perfect Christmas trees. I love walking into boutiques and looking at the matching ornaments, color coordinated ribbon and the nice expensive decorations. It doesn't stop with the tree, I also want the whole house to be perfect from decorations to the candle scent. I can't help it, I'm just that way, and it's a dream I'll probably have until I die. Back to the handmade ornaments, I even went as far as saying that I didn't know what I was going to do when our kids bring home ornaments that they made at school and want to hang them on our tree.
I know, I know, I'm a terrible mom. Well that day came, and I have to admit I was taken back and so touched by the little red sled made out of popsicle sticks with Sadie's school picture glued onto to it. I melted and let her put it where ever she wanted to. I still want a perfect tree, but now I want one with perfectly beautiful handmade ornaments.
FYI: At this very moment we are getting dumped on and my poor husband is out there plowing away and will probably be doing so for the rest of the day. Thank you Kurt for working so hard for our family!!! Also a big thanks to our neighbor Scott who has used his snow blower to clear our sidewalk every time it has snowed. I really do appreciate that.