Once again we had our dance recital and I've said it before and I'll say it again, it is my favorite day of the year besides Christmas. I was so proud of my little girls for being so brave and getting up on the "big" stage and dancing without any fear in front of hundreds of people. I couldn't get enough of little Jessica yawning thru all four dances and then at the end of her last performance shouting..."Let's do that again!!!" Sadie just keeps on getting better and better and I am just amazed at how well she does. She seriously is a great little dancer and it will be fun watching her.

Second on our highlights of the week...Sadie's preschool graduation. Sadie's little class had the cutest little program and I'm kicking myself for bringing my camera but not the memory card to actually take pictures and videos. But, they sang lots of little songs and had speaking parts and just impressed all of the parents. Kurt even surprised Sadie and myself with a graduation gift which included: a t-ball stand, a bucket of balls, her own pink & black mitt and of course a "girls rule" pink bat. Sadie was so excited and had to try it out as soon as she saw it. She made her daddy proud.
Third and last (for now)...We went over to Trevor and Heather's for Trevors birthday party. I have to say that their new xbox and rockband game was a blast. I don't think Sadie got enough of the drums and I know that I'm way better that Kurt on the guitar and drums, although he can out sing me any day. Thank you Heather for being so nice to invite us over and cook dinner and dessert for all of us.
Now to the Cabin for Memorial Day Weekend!!!