Easton had his first birthday on Saturday February 27th. I still can't believe he is 1 years old. We took him to the doctors for his one year check up and here are the stats...
- weight = 19 lbs even 25%
- height = 75%
- head circumference 75%
He definitely is not like any of his sisters, they were always up in the 80-95% for weight. We blame this on lack of interest in bottles. Thankfully he now takes a bottle, but did not for 11.5 months of his life.
Easton is not walking yet but this accomplishment is just around the corner. He loves to eat anything I'm eating as well as his fruits and snacks, vegetables are not exactly high on his list of favorites. He has his two bottom teeth and his upper front two teeth are just about ready to break thru. He is an excellent shopper and keeps most of his opinions to himselft while being pushed around in the cart. If I have to choose a little one to go shopping with me he usually is the one to join in on the fun. He is very good at church and will sit on my lap for the majority of Sacrament meeting. His sisters think that he is the cutest baby boy ever, and I agree. Easton is just too much fun and we love him sooooo much. Our family just wouldn't be the same without him.

I think Easton's favorite birthday gift would have to be the Wii his daddy bought for himself in celebration of Easton's birthday. Other than the Wii, Easton also got a lot of styling clothes, new bedding, his own plastic golf clubs, a bouncy ball, a book, some keys and a bubble blowing lawn mower. Easton's pretty lucky to have his birthday around tax returns.
My Grandma Andersen also had a birthday on February 1st and turned 100 years old. We went to her birthday party along with about 300 other people and were blessed to be with her for that special day. We love Grandma Andersen and the special spirit she has.