Today was Jessica's Preschool Graduation Program. Kurt and I had a blast watching Jess and all of her classmates sing songs and recite poems that they had learned throughout the school year. Jessica learn a lot from Miss Sherryn and we are so glad that she could have a wonderful experience. Congratulations Jessica!!!
The other day when I was cleaning out our crawl space, I found a bag that my Mother In Law gave me a few years back that had about 8 yards of the same material in it. So I decided that I would make a dress for Jessica's graduation out of this material. I already had the pattern and so I was excited to make a dress for free. Well after 5 hours of working on this adorable dress I finally finished and then had Jessica put it on and then ... we both headed to Walmart and bought the dress that she is wearing in the picture above. The dress that I made turned out great but it fit Sadie instead of Jessica. I think I'll stick to making aprons instead of little dresses.
This is Jessica's Graduation present... the coolest sprinkler that we could find.
I'm pretty sure it will get plenty of use this summer.
Now for a little Throwback Thursday

Lately I've been dreaming of going to a beach, any beach, and so I picked the last time I made it to the beach back in 2005. We visited Paul's family down in S. California and went to the beach which is 10 minutes away from their house. We had a blast!!!
Let's just take a look at this picture...
suckers + 2 three year olds + sandy beach = a sticky sandy mess
Hey why not, Josh & Sadie didn't seem to mind.